Monday, 15 October 2012 07:08

Author TD Griggs has Chobham following

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T.D. Griggs, Distant Thunder T.D. Griggs, Distant Thunder

The Oxford-based author T.D.Griggs - Tim Griggs - has a new cluster of readers in Chobham.

Tim was the guest speaker at the Chobham Festival's first ChobLit literary lunch in September, speaking about his latest book, Distant Thunder, and a writer's life in general.


Distant Thunder is in a traditional historical novel form, a long and engrossing read, a love story and a tale of one young's man's adventures as a soldier in the British Empire.

It's also a thoughtful book, which sets out to capture something of a lesser known aspect of the spirit of that epoch, the turn of the 19th into the 20th century, when British Imperialism and jingoism was at its height. Yet in reading about these years, Tim discovered that there was already an elegiac sense that the British Empire couldn't last.

I enjoyed Distant Thunder greatly, and am delighted there is going to be a sequel. 

A book I found even harder to turn the lights out on was The Warning Bell that Tim wrote under the pseudonym Tom Macaulay. It unravels the truth of a sequence of events in a village in World War 11 occupied France and delves beneath the familiar stereotyped depiction of the French resistance of the time. It's a thriller that also delivered an emotional punch. As you can tell, I am a fan! Tim has a website,

Jennifer Britt

Jennifer is a regular contributor to Chobham.Net and is also the webmaster of the St Lawrence & St Saviour Chobham Parish website.

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